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The bell tower of Santa Caterina
Up there where you couldn’t see the sky: a prison in the bell tower of the church of Santa Caterina in Finalborgo
Within the medieval bell tower of the church of Santa Caterina in Finalborgo it is still possible to relive the terrible experience of those who were imprisoned in the punishment cells that from 1865 for a century occupied the spaces of the Dominican monastery.The massive bell tower with three orders of mullioned windows, separated by hanging arches, ends with a slender octagonal pinnacle with cor-ten steel angular spires realised in 1997 as a substitute for the original one that had collapsed during the 1887 earthquake.
Bookings for tours are available as part of the “Open door Open art” Project endorsed by MUDIF.
Museo Archeologico del Finale
e-mail: info@museoarcheofinale.it
phone: +39.019.690020